Dança sem Fronteiras

DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS – DANCE WITHOUT FRONTIERS was created in 2010, as the name suggests it has as its main aim the creation of opportunities for all to experience dance as a source of freedom of expression through the body that has no frontiers. DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS – DANCE WITHOUT FRONTIERS brings together artists from different backgrounds and abilities incorporating different art forms to promote and make visible the dance that comes from a diverse group of performers. The company creates site specific, dance-theatre pieces and regularly performs in theatres and unconventional spaces. All the projects of DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS – DANCE WITHOUT FRONTIERS have the objectives of promoting contemporary dance as a cultural medium accessible to all, strengthening the diversity and widening the artistic and social horizons beyond labels, to question formulas and prejudices about “dance”,” Disability” and “professionalism”.

Ensaios fotos Ricardo Teles
Olhar de Neblina - Ricardo Teles

Fernanda Amaral

Fernanda Amaral worked for eighteen years in Europe with PATUÁ DANCE, which she founded, and presented numerous street and dance theatre performances in many International Festivals, including stops in Brazil. The choreographer toured with workshops and performances, at the invitation of festival organizers in Europe, UK and the Americas. In 2005, she created PATUÁ DANCEABILITY, with dancers with and without disabilities performing and doing residencies in the United Kingdom and in 2010; she started DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS – DANCE WITHOUT BORDERS, in São Paulo.