
In 2016 and 2017, the company created and organized two forums to stimulate the dialogue and reflection about the importance of artistic works that are accessible and inclusive. The company does not just create performances in which diversity was fine on stage; the company believes that is important to be prepared to welcome a diverse audience.

Professionals from the arts attended the forums, and it was possible to debate diversity and to think about a diverse scene in performing, teaching and receiving and welcoming diverse audiences.

Notes were taken pointing to possible ways that dance can follow in order to guarantee this diversity, and practices that DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS – DANCE WITHOUT BORDERS already promotes. The forums are moments of sharing, reflecting and debating about ways to ensure that all can take part in the arts.

Fórum – Diversidade um direito de cidadania ,14/10/2016

Fórum 2 – Ser público: acolher a diversidade no palco e na plateia