Poetic Gaps

Performances for open  and unconvetional spaces created and turing during 2022/2023.

Apresenta os deslocamentos do  corpo com suas subjetividades em locomoção com objetos de tecnologia assistiva (muletas, cadeiras de rodas, andador etc). Uma travessia feita por diversos corpos, suas singularidades e o olhar da câmera.

It presents the body’s displacements with their subjectivities and ways to move with assistive technology objects (crutches, wheelchairs, walkers, etc.). A crossing made by different bodies and their singularities.

Life, nature often finds ways to resist situations and impediments predetermined by development, creating gaps to break through the concrete to follow its flow. Dança sem Fronteiras  research  and work are identified with these situations, and work with the relationships of the body, the gesture, the movement and its possibilities of occupying the urban space. The body now resumes its relations with the space that opens up to all bodies, giving visibility to their expressions.