
Dança sem Fronteiras na mídia

Artigos/ mídia / imprensa e a Dança sem Fronteiras

Frestas do Olhar (Gaps of the look) claims the street as the place of all dances.

The look mentioned by Dance Without Borders Company in the title of its newest work should be understood in its broad sense.  It does not only talk about opening new perspectives in the visual field, but of new systems of perception that affect the body as a whole when it needs to deal with the singularities of the other and of the surrounding space.

Accessories routinely used for mobility, such as crutches, wheelchairs and walkers, take on new uses here. They are presented both as scenography and as tools that help to create new possibilities of dance, opening the opportunity for a poetic approach to those resources.

The presence of the “Interstices of the Look” outside the conventional scenic box potentiates the dialogue between the rawness of the Cartesian world and the poetry of subjectivity.  Upon placing her cast on a traditional passage space, the director Fernanda Amaral stresses a discourse of inclusion and equality by bringing dance closer to life as it is.

Without the protection of the four walls of the theater and the lights that dazzle those on the stage, the artist need to focus on the attendance´s eyes, to learn  about sharing the space with them – while the audience also learns to share that moment with the artist.  It is an attitude full of risks, especially for the performers, and it is hard not to think that the everyday of those with some disability is full of risks.  To dance on the street claims this place as a space everyone is entitled to occupy – and that becomes less hard with a little more poetry.”

 Dance for All – review by Amanda Queirós
